Tampa, FL noise mongers trek north and almost freeze to death. How 80 degree weather 360 days a year inspires this I'll never know. They should sound like the beach boys.
Pittsburgh's Brain Handle is one of my favorite bands. This 20 min live set includes a few new unrecorded songs, coughing, banter about Morning Star farms, Cell phone calls, Electro-shock therapy, accappella Allman Brothers lyrics, and refusal to wear headphones. The first song is unreleased and one of my new favorite songs. In other words, it's worth the listen.
Two great bands from Portland, OR or PDX as it's commonly known (do all punks in Portland live at the airport?) The Estranged plays new wave meets Wipers/Burma punk and Hellshock are metalic crustlords. Hellshock are going to Japan early next year to tour w/Age. They will also be recording at the mythical Our House studio in Tokyo. But before any of that both bands stopped in to the less mythical, less Japanese SideTwo Studio and recorded these two live sets!
Snotty German punks who love shit porn. Every song is a party. They played Haverhil, MA with Fit For Abuse (who should also come in) and the next day had time to come in a record this live set. Check them out on the rest of their US tour. The remaining dates can be found on their myspace above.
Blank Stare played with Cult Ritual a few times in Jan 08' and they were easily the best band we played with all tour. Turns out 8 months later in August they were even better.
So this is another ego trip since I'm in the band but we recorded a live set in the studio for a tape we sold on our west coast tour in May 2008. At least this live tape actually got made. I figured I'd throw it up here anyway.
So the plan was to record this live set so we could release a live tape. In typical Blank Stare fashion things didn't go as planned so I put it on the internet instead. This may still come out as a live tape, who knows?
Fast, raw and snotty as fuck. Government Warning are a bunch of southern hicks who've helped the south rise again along with other great bands from down there. They played Boston for the first time at the Ratscellar and before the show they came in and did a live set. Enjoy.